General Overview
The Liquidity Pool holds most core functionality for the Rysk Dynamic Hedging Vault, it is responsible for managing all funds. It uses several libraries and contracts which have been explained in other docs.
Throughout the contract there are conversions between decimals, there are three decimals to be aware of e6 (USDC decimals) or collateral decimals, e8 otoken decimals and e18 share value, eth, and options calculation decimals. Where each decimal type is used is commented in each function.
Oracle use
The contract uses Chainlink Price feed oracles. The contract also makes use of the Portfolio values feed request response oracle and may in the future make use of a volatility feed oracle. These are documented in the oracle documentation.
Most variables and functions if not mentioned here can be fully explained by their natspec in the contracts so have been left out
This variable is an array that stores hedging reactor addresses. Each hedging reactor can be referenced by its index in rebalancePortfolioDelta
or each hedging reactor is referenced by iterating over the array, for example in completeWithdraw() or getPortfolioDelta()
. When a hedging reactor is added it is added to the last place of the array, when removed the array should be shifted so as not to leave any array elements as zero addresses.
There is pause and unpause functionality which pauses all state changing functionality. There is also pause and unpause trading which pauses any options buying or selling activity from the pool. This pause functionality can be executed by Guardians or above.
This is a struct that contains variables that pertain to the min and max call strike which are the minimum and maximum strikes that can be written for calls by the pool and the min and max put strikes. The min and max expiry are also stored which are the minimum and maximum length options that the pool can write. These variables can be updated by management or above and helps with managing pool exposure depending on the market outlook.
max price and time deviation thresholds
These values are used to set the time and price thresholds for when an oracle update becomes stale. For example, if an oracle update was done at 600 and the threshold is 10 if the time is now 611 the oracle update is stale and the pool will not do anything until the oracle is updated again. This is to deal with the value of the pool changing due to price and time movement and thus the liability value and delta value being off.
These are contracts that have the authority to issue, write, and buyback options from the liquidityPool. They must be authorised. This architecture allows for multiple handlers and upgradeability on the handlers.
Mutual fund system (deposit(), redeem(), initiateWithdraw(), completeWithdraw(), pauseTradingAndRequest(), executeEpochCalculations())
An explainer of the mutual fund system or how deposits/withdraws/redeems/pauseTradingAndRequest and executeEpochCalculation work can be seen here: Deposit and Withdraw Mechanism
This function uses hedging reactors to hedge off a specified delta. The manager (or above) will specify the delta to hedge and the index of the reactor in the hedgingReactors array. The hedging reactor can be anything that implements the IHedgingReactor interface, it is used for accessing alternate derivatives that can be used for delta hedging. Currently only spot and perps are implemented but any derivative or asset can be implemented in the future.
This function is used by the option registry to update the collateralAllocated in the LiquidityPool when funds are moved around. If the option registry is moving funds back into the LiquidityPool then it will decrease collateralAllocated. If the option registry is moving funds from the LiquidityPool then it will get a safe approval and will increase the collateralAllocated. Collateral allocated should never drop below negative because the balance of option registry should not go up beyond what it is allocated (because it generates no profits from providing collateral)(it can only go down, say if an option gets exercised).
This function is used to settle a vault and move collateral between the registry and the vault when an option expires.
This function is used to get the portfolio delta. This first retrieves the delta from the portfolio value feed oracle (making sure it isnt stale), it then gets the delta from all hedging reactors finally it gets the ephemeralDelta that has been recorded between a request and response.
Normal Distribution approximation library
Reference for implementation:
Black scholes library
Reference for implementation:
Contract used as the Dynamic Hedging Vault for storing funds, issuing shares and processing options transactions
Interacts with the OptionRegistry for options behaviour, Interacts with hedging reactors for alternative derivatives Interacts with Handlers for periphary user options interactions. Interacts with Chainlink price feeds throughout. Interacts with Volatility Feed via getImpliedVolatility(), interacts with a chainlink PortfolioValues external adaptor oracle via PortfolioValuesFeed.
immutable variables ///
dynamic variables ///
governance settable variables ///
constant variables ///
structs && events ///
setters ///
set a new hedging reactor
only governance can call this function
Name | Type | Description |
_reactorAddress | address | append a new hedging reactor |
remove a new hedging reactor by index
only governance can call this function
Name | Type | Description |
_index | uint256 | remove a hedging reactor |
_override | bool | whether to override whether the reactor is wound down (THE REACTOR SHOULD BE WOUND DOWN SEPERATELY) |
update all optionParam variables for max and min strikes and max and min expiries for options that the DHV can issue
only management or above can call this function
set the bid ask spread used to price option buying
only management or above can call this function
Name | Type | Description |
_bidAskSpread | uint256 | the bid ask spread to update to |
set the maximum percentage discount for an option
only management or above can call this function
Name | Type | Description |
_maxDiscount | uint256 | of the option as a percentage in 1e18 format. ie: 1*e18 == 1% |
set the maximum collateral amount allowed in the pool
only governance can call this function
Name | Type | Description |
_collateralCap | uint256 | of the collateral held |
update the liquidity pool buffer limit
only governance can call this function
Name | Type | Description |
_bufferPercentage | uint256 | the minimum balance the liquidity pool must have as a percentage of collateral allocated to options. (for 20% enter 2000) |
update the liquidity pool risk free rate
Name | Type | Description |
_riskFreeRate | uint256 | the risk free rate of the market |
update the max oracle time deviation threshold
update the max oracle price deviation threshold
change the status of a handler
change the status of a keeper
@notice sets the parameters for the function that determines the utilization price factor The function is made up of two parts, both linear. The line to the left of the utilisation threshold has a low gradient while the gradient to the right of the threshold is much steeper. The aim of this function is to make options much more expensive near full utilization while not having much effect at low utilizations. @param _belowThresholdGradient the gradient of the function where utiization is below function threshold. e18 @param _aboveThresholdGradient the gradient of the line above the utilization threshold. e18 @param _utilizationFunctionThreshold the percentage utilization above which the function moves from its shallow line to its steep line
function for hedging portfolio delta through external means
Name | Type | Description |
delta | int256 | the current portfolio delta |
reactorIndex | uint256 | the index of the reactor in the hedgingReactors array to use |
adjust the collateral held in a specific vault because of health
called by the option registry only
Name | Type | Description |
lpCollateralDifference | uint256 | amount of collateral taken from or given to the liquidity pool in collateral decimals |
addToLpBalance | bool | true if collateral is returned to liquidity pool, false if collateral is withdrawn from liquidity pool |
closes an oToken vault, returning collateral (minus ITM option expiry value) back to the pool
Name | Type | Description |
seriesAddress | address | the address of the oToken vault to close |
Name | Type | Description |
[0] | uint256 | collatReturned the amount of collateral returned to the liquidity pool, assumes in collateral decimals |
issue an option
only callable by a handler contract
Name | Type | Description |
optionSeries | struct Types.OptionSeries | the series detail of the option - strike decimals in e18 |
write an option that already exists
only callable by a handler contract
Name | Type | Description |
optionSeries | struct Types.OptionSeries | the series detail of the option - strike decimals in e8 |
seriesAddress | address | the series address of the oToken |
amount | uint256 | the number of options to write - in e18 |
optionRegistry | contract IOptionRegistry | the registry used for options writing |
premium | uint256 | the premium of the option - in collateral decimals |
delta | int256 | the delta of the option - in e18 |
recipient | address | the receiver of the option |
write an option that doesnt exist
only callable by a handler contract
Name | Type | Description |
optionSeries | struct Types.OptionSeries | the series detail of the option - strike decimals in e18 |
amount | uint256 | the number of options to write - in e18 |
premium | uint256 | the premium of the option - in collateral decimals |
delta | int256 | the delta of the option - in e18 |
recipient | address | the receiver of the option |
buy back an option that already exists
only callable by a handler contract
Name | Type | Description |
optionSeries | struct Types.OptionSeries | the series detail of the option - strike decimals in e8 |
amount | uint256 | the number of options to buyback - in e18 |
optionRegistry | contract IOptionRegistry | the registry used for options writing |
seriesAddress | address | the series address of the oToken |
premium | uint256 | the premium of the option - in collateral decimals |
delta | int256 | the delta of the option - in e18 |
seller | address | the receiver of the option |
reset the temporary portfolio and delta values that have been changed since the last oracle update
only callable by the portfolio values feed oracle contract
reset the temporary portfolio and delta values that have been changed since the last oracle update
this function must be called in order to execute an epoch calculation
execute the epoch and set all the price per shares
this function must be called in order to execute an epoch calculation and batch a mutual fund epoch
function for adding liquidity to the options liquidity pool
entry point to provide liquidity to dynamic hedging vault
Name | Type | Description |
_amount | uint256 | amount of the strike asset to deposit |
Name | Type | Description |
[0] | bool | success |
function for allowing a user to redeem their shares from a previous epoch
Name | Type | Description |
_shares | uint256 | the number of shares to redeem |
Name | Type | Description |
[0] | uint256 | the number of shares actually returned |
function for initiating a withdraw request from the pool
entry point to remove liquidity to dynamic hedging vault
Name | Type | Description |
_shares | uint256 | amount of shares to return |
function for completing the withdraw from a pool
entry point to remove liquidity to dynamic hedging vault
Name | Type | Description |
_shares | uint256 | amount of shares to return |
Returning balance in 1e18 format
Name | Type | Description |
asset | address | address of the asset to get balance and normalize |
Name | Type | Description |
normalizedBalance | uint256 | balance in 1e18 format |
Returning balance in 1e6 format
Name | Type | Description |
asset | address | address of the asset to get balance |
Name | Type | Description |
[0] | uint256 | balance of the address accounting for partitionedFunds |
get the delta of the hedging reactors
Name | Type | Description |
externalDelta | int256 | hedging reactor delta in e18 format |
get the delta of the portfolio
Name | Type | Description |
[0] | int256 | portfolio delta |
get the quote price and delta for a given option
Name | Type | Description |
optionSeries | struct Types.OptionSeries | option type to quote - strike assumed in e18 |
amount | uint256 | the number of options to mint - assumed in e18 |
toBuy | bool | whether the protocol is buying the option |
Name | Type | Description |
quote | uint256 | the price of the options - returns in e18 |
delta | int256 | the delta of the options - returns in e18 |
applies a utilization premium when the protocol is selling options. Stores the utilization price in quoteState.utilizationPrice for use in quotePriceWithUtilizationGreeks
Name | Type | Description |
quoteState | struct Types.UtilizationState | the struct created in quoteStateWithUtilizationGreeks to store memory variables |
optionSeries | struct Types.OptionSeries | the option type for which we are quoting a price |
amount | uint256 | the amount of options. e18 |
toBuy | bool | whether we are buying an option. False if selling |
Applies a discount or premium based on the liquidity pool's delta exposure Gives discount if the transaction results in a lower delta exposure for the liquidity pool. Prices option more richly if the transaction results in higher delta exposure for liquidity pool.
Name | Type | Description |
quoteState | struct Types.UtilizationState | the struct created in quoteStateWithUtilizationGreeks to store memory variables |
toBuy | bool | whether we are buying an option. False if selling |
Name | Type | Description |
quote | uint256 | the quote for the option with the delta skew applied |
get the current implied volatility from the feed
Name | Type | Description |
isPut | bool | Is the option a call or put? |
underlyingPrice | uint256 | The underlying price - assumed in e18 |
strikePrice | uint256 | The strike price of the option - assumed in e18 |
expiration | uint256 | expiration timestamp of option as a PRBMath Float |
Name | Type | Description |
[0] | uint256 | Implied volatility adjusted for volatility surface - assumed in e18 |
functionality for allowing a user to redeem their shares from a previous epoch
Name | Type | Description |
_shares | uint256 | the number of shares to redeem |
Name | Type | Description |
[0] | uint256 | toRedeem the number of shares actually returned |
get the Net Asset Value
Name | Type | Description |
[0] | uint256 | Net Asset Value in e18 decimal format |
get the Asset Value
Name | Type | Description |
assets | uint256 | Asset Value in e18 decimal format |
calculates amount of liquidity that can be used before hitting buffer
Name | Type | Description |
bufferRemaining | uint256 | the amount of liquidity available before reaching buffer in e6 |
create the option contract in the options registry
Name | Type | Description |
optionSeries | struct Types.OptionSeries | option type to mint - option series strike in e18 |
optionRegistry | contract IOptionRegistry | interface for the options issuer |
Name | Type | Description |
series | address | the address of the option series minted |
write a number of options for a given OptionSeries
Name | Type | Description |
optionSeries | struct Types.OptionSeries | option type to mint - strike in e8 |
seriesAddress | address | the address of the options series |
amount | uint256 | the amount to be written - in e18 |
optionRegistry | contract IOptionRegistry | the option registry of the pool |
premium | uint256 | the premium to charge the user - in collateral decimals |
delta | int256 | the delta of the option position - in e18 |
bufferRemaining | uint256 | the amount of buffer that can be used - in e6 |
recipient | address |
Name | Type | Description |
[0] | uint256 | the amount that was written |
buys a number of options back and burns the tokens
Name | Type | Description |
optionSeries | struct Types.OptionSeries | the option token series to buyback - strike passed in as e8 |
amount | uint256 | the number of options to buyback expressed in 1e18 |
optionRegistry | contract IOptionRegistry | the registry |
seriesAddress | address | the series being sold |
premium | uint256 | the premium to be sent back to the owner (in collat decimals) |
delta | int256 | the delta of the option |
seller | address | the address |
Name | Type | Description |
[0] | uint256 | the number of options burned in e18 |
adjust the variables of the pool
Name | Type | Description |
collateralAmount | uint256 | the amount of collateral transferred to change on collateral allocated in collateral decimals |
optionsValue | uint256 | the value of the options in e18 decimals |
delta | int256 | the delta of the options in e18 decimals |
isSale | bool | whether the action was an option sale or not |
get the volatility feed used by the liquidity pool
Name | Type | Description |
[0] | contract VolatilityFeed | the volatility feed contract interface |
get the portfolio values feed used by the liquidity pool
Name | Type | Description |
[0] | contract IPortfolioValuesFeed | the portfolio values feed contract |
get the DHV accounting calculations contract used by the liquidity pool
Name | Type | Description |
[0] | contract IAccounting | the Accounting contract |
get the option registry used for storing and managing the options
Name | Type | Description |
[0] | contract IOptionRegistry | the option registry contract |
get the underlying price with just the underlying asset and strike asset
Name | Type | Description |
underlying | address | the asset that is used as the reference asset |
_strikeAsset | address | the asset that the underlying value is denominated in |
Name | Type | Description |
[0] | uint256 | the underlying price |
keepers, managers or governors can access
Last updated